Category Archives: a biased mind

a Biased Mind

A Biased Mind

Thinking about Thinking

Down the rabbit hole

“We only think we’re thinking” – el Loco Gringo


Full communication requires all aspects of our perceptual input. IE body language; pictures, symbols,milieu, costume,not only movements, but ALL perceptual input; visual, olfactory, pressure etc. Take for example the concepts of love and hate. These are really not opposites but two sides of the same coin. Saying “I love you” in a pastoral setting while hugging them is a lot different that a memo that says “I love you”. Saying “I hate you” dressed in studded leather with a boiling pot of oil while beating you about the head and shoulders says a lot more than a memo that says the same. As each layer of input is removed, the content decreases. A teleconferencing call conveys less than a personal meeting. A telephone call less than a teleconferencing call, a handwritten note with love and kisses less than a telephone call. A memo less than a note.


This is what reductionist thinking has done to communication. It has stripped it of meaning. It’s the PTIB syndrome (Putting Things In Baskets) It is the specialist who learns more and more about less and less till you end up with someone who knows everything there is to know about nothing. The blind person who perceives the elephant by touching a single part, then publishes a paper using speculation to fill in the gaps. He can’t see the “Blue Sky”, He can’t see the big picture. The right brain thinker I would relate to a scientist, the whole brain to an engineer, and the left brain to a technician. This leads to bizarre constructs of knowledge. A psychologist knows everything there is to know about nothing. The same with a sociologist, financier, politician and all of the soft pseudosciences. It has been stripped of all meaning.

Keeping in mind that we only think we’re thinking. We actually are only giving a patterned response. Consider two people in a face to face conversation. All sensory data is present. A third party will see this as a ping pong game, in which pre-considered concepts are being fielded by the algorithms. There is no thinking going on. If there is not a hit on the algorithm (the concept hasn’t been pre-considered} He will access his data bank (3 seconds for left hemisphere, 3 seconds for right), the pattern reservoir for concepts. If he gets a hit he may respond with the best match to date, or he may ponder the concept, (He starts thinking) or put it off and “sleep on it”. The point of this rambling, incoherent diatribe is that until a datum is communicated, it is not real. IE it is not relevant to “coping with the world”. The act of communication makes the concept relevant to survival and will be considered. Once it is considered a trigger point will be set on the algorithm. When I am in the room with a doctor, for instance, I recognize that there are two experts in the room. While the doctor is the expert on health, I am the expert on me. Most people accept dogma, I consider it. I know more about me than anyone else in the world, and I am the best judge of how to incorporate these new concepts into my lifestyle.

Guardian CircleJerk Fireplug Lattice Taboo Perception OneTrickPony InnerChild Boxes ThinkingBackwards RTCTSurvival Ponder PshcheTruth Beliefs Systems Mule 5Monkeys Alice Windmills Hybrot AvoidingTruth ABF-1 ABF-2 ABF-3 Cork Hipostaticity Systems Balance Oranges



Somehow we’ve got to get from colum A to column B


  • The cosmos is made up of mostly dead matter and empty space and is not “alive.”

  • Our cosmos is a unique kind of “living organism” and, as a whole system, is fundamentally alive.

  • We are floating through vast reaches of empty space, and most of life seems to lack any larger sense of meaning and purpose.

  • The entire cosmos is a unified system. Each action is woven into the deep ecology of the universe. Everything we do matters.

  • Consciousness– when viewed from a reductionist, mechanistic perspective — is a byproduct of biochemistry and is located in the brain.

  • Consciousness-when viewed from an integrative, living systems perspective-is an ordinary capacity that permeates the universe and provides a reflective capability appropriate to each entity within the universe.

  • The goal in life is material success and social achievement.

  • The goal in life is to develop a balanced relationship between our inner and outer lives-to live in a way that is sustainable and compassionate.

  • The emphasis is on conspicuous consumption. The “good life” depends on having enough money to buy access to pleasures and avoid discomforts.

  • The emphasis is on conscious consumption. The “good life” is an ever-changing balance of inner and outer, material and spiritual, personal and social, etc.

  • Identity is largely defined by material possessions and social position.

  • Our sense of self grows through our conscious, loving, and creative participation in life.

  • Emphasis is on personal autonomy and mobility.

  • Emphasis is on personal growth and community.

  • The individual is defined by his or her body and is ultimately separate and alone.

  • The individual is both unique and an inseparable part of the larger universe. Our being is not limited to our physical existence.

  • It is natural that we who are living use lifeless material resources for our own progress.

  • It is natural to respect all that exists as integral to the larger body of life.

  • Cutthroat competition is the norm. You compete against others to make a killing.

  • Fair competition is the norm. You cooperate with others to earn a living.

  • The mass media are dominated by commercial interests and are used to promote a high-consumption culture.

  • The mass media awaken to the challenge of sustainability and begin to explore more workable and meaningful approaches to living.

  • Nations adopt a “lifeboat ethic” in global relations.

  • Nations adopt a “spaceship Earth ethic” in global relations.

  • The welfare of the whole is left to the workings of the free market or government bureaucracies.

  • Each person takes responsibility for the well-being of the world, enabling high levels of decentralization and freedom at the local level, and a sustainable harmony at the global level.



Orange NOT

Mixing Oranges and Orangutans

If you look up orangutan, you will find that it means man of the forest, old man in the woods, little man. That’s not what Ah So says (my amah in Singapore). And she’s malay, so I’ll take her word over all the zoologists. You see, malays can’t see orange as a distinct color. It’s between two colors that I, as an occidental can’t see. She also only sees 3 colors in the rainbow, as do all malays. To a malay, orange is an abstract concept. Like bleem, “The secret integer between three and four.” SecretNumber Going off on a tangent, pi (perimeter) and phi (golden ratio), are abstract concepts to the european. However, phi is not an abstract concept to the african worldview and pi may not be abstract to the amerind. Weird. So they borrowed a word from english, to name this artifical color (to them) and cocatonated it with utan, or man. So the word really means orange man (or actually, between color A and color B man). I’ve seen speculation that when the locals speak of “little man” they might be talking about Flories man, the hobbit. Nope! it’s the orangutan. Prior to this made up word, to them, they use the terms little man, old man etc. Which are really just different tranliterations of the word utan. It doesn’t translate exactly. It seems that malays can speak better malay than anthropologists. So mixing oranges and orangutans isn’t that far off. As an aside malays don’t think of them themselves as Malay ethnically but part of the Austronesian family. Conceptualizing something for which a mental framework does not exist is a major problem both in thinking and language. Meditate on bleem and see what I mean. The mind can’t get any traction. Yet maybe there’s a value between 3 and 4 that IS significant. consider pi at 3.1416 and phi at 1.6180. Hmm!




You used the word gatekeeper. Dan Bagley did a dissertation on it. (I looked it up) I could only read one page without buying it. I did however find a video describing it. If the video is accurate, he is only kind of right. It’s true if you’re talking about an idiot. The lattice is an imprint on the right hemisphere which blocks unapproved concepts. Getting into the right hemisphere through the left hemisphere is circuitous, but possible.

During the formative years beliefs are presented as and accepted as fact. This is forever. I think that the nirvana the yoga people talk about is, in most people, largely mental masturbation. They access the right hemisphere directly and are in a mind that has been starved by sensory deprivation. (see Jill bolte’s description of it) (Don’t need to publish this)

In many cultures the male children are removed from the parents at an early age to facilitate this imprinting. Moslem cultures for instance.

I’ll use the example of Sparta, only because it is the best documented. The whole culture was orientated for war. Abnormal infants were killed at birth. Males were separated after being weaned. Death in training was considered necessary to weed out the unfit. This imprint was PERMANENT. This is why 300 men were able to hold off the Persians at Thermopylae. Women were soldier making machines. The only people worthy of the honor of a burial were soldiers who died in battle and women who died in childbirth. This is what is happening to our children. This is what is so discouraging about our society, you can’t fix stupid. If education must mutilate the children, scar their faces or something, don’t mess with their minds. If you were a psychologist for the Spartan military you’d starve.

Contrast Sparta imprinting with what our GI’s go through in boot camp. This is an overlay only, which is why you have customers. I’m not going to speculate on what type of problems they have, but Theosophy’s “soul retrieval” therapy (shamanic) sounds real good.

“Whatever the case, its important to celebrate the return of your vital essence back to where it belongs – in the same way we would celebrate the return of a long lost loved one.”

In any case, I can’t use the word, shame, excellent word otherwise.

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rewind to here

<For all Greek philosophers, and notably for the greatest – Plato and Aristotle>

How very odd that you would class these two as in the same ballpark of greatness. For myself I would class somerville head and shoulders above aristotle on a par with plato.

Funny how we put greeks on a pedestial. We say “the greeks thought this” thinking it was urban wisdom. No it wasn’t. Think half a dozen guys having a barbeque in the back yard. The greek on the street was just as stupid as today. These were the Greek Geeks. Mythology

Plato was an incredibly lucid thinker in terms of man’s place in the universe, with his mobile of mythos, logos and ether. really quite impressive when you consider he was bucking societal norms and working with earth, wind, fire and water.

Aristotle on the other hand was an idiot, incapable of understanding what Plato was getting at. dismissing mythos as metaphysical bullshit and going with what was easy, not what was true.
There is a HUGE difference between what the two are saying.

Arisotele think (ABF) gained philosophical ascendency and has screwed up western thinking since, with rare exceptions, summerville (astronomy), eddington (science) and thomas aquinas (theology) come to mind. I suspect that if eddington and aquinas came face to face they would agree that there is no difference between the universe and the divine. I’d like to see mary somerville chime in on that.

Mary, you see, could “perceive what others do not perceive”. exactly, she wasn’t an idiot.

As we fast forward in western civilization, we find that science and the church worked hand in glove, to promote a loving, harmonious world by burning the occasional heretic at the stake or shoving a sharpened stake up the odd infidel’s ass. with the final split science and religion became mortal enemies. Western civilization cannot see that not only are science and theology not at odds, but are, in fact the same thing looked at through two different perspectives.

And to you, Mr Ted, mythos is your inclusional world view. But you knew that, didn’t you?

The ABF has imprisioned us in a bottle which somehow we must reach outside of to pull the cork of null-a.

Please note i am using idiot in the clinical sense.

i despair

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Alternative psychotherapy technique
el Loco Gringo
Yo-Yo U, Nada cum laude, top 98% of class

“Don’t turn down the mule, you might get a pretty one” – el Loco Gringo

Building upon the proud heritage of psychology dating back to the neolithic, I pause to give credit to the giants in the field. The six millenia old concept of the sub-conscious, as revealed in the Vedic scripts, or the concept of personality types as described by Effluvium the elder in ancient Greece. The humors can finally be verified by the Minnesota Multi-Phasic Personality Inventory, and I’m confident, that using the scientific method, in another thousand years they’ll be able to figure it out. Thanks to modern science we no longer have to dance naked around a patient with flickering candles shaking our beads and rattles chanting to expel the demons, we now use a dual core, 5 MHZ computer to drive strobe lights and random noise generators. We no longer have to drill holes in the skull to allow the black bile to escape, we can shoot them up with dopazene to kill of f their brain cells.

Truth is simple and beautiful
deceit is devious and ugly

I would humbly like to propose a less sophisticated model which I have occasionally found useful in dealing with healthy minds exhibiting unusual thought patterns. Although tedious and time consuming, ( it can sometimes take as long as 15 minutes to determine the problem and 30 seconds to effect a cure) it does appear to be effective. So as not to leave the impression that I am casting asparagus on the more nuanced in the hallowed halls of the mental health profession, I propose a less sophisticated vocabulary. After all, the mind does not care how we describe it, it just keeps doing it’s thing, providing us with the behavior patterns we need in a complicated and turbulent world.

Introduction to the mind
& the “key to ANN”

No, ANN is not that strato cumulus co-ed you were doing the ugly bump with in your third semester at Yo-Yo U. (keep both hands on the keyboard, this is important). ANN is an acronym for Allocated Neural Network. It is allocated to maintaining the decision tree inherent in all non-bacterial animal life on earth. I call this decision tree an algorithm. (Not to be confused with Ann and the Algorythms, with their unique blend of head banger, rap, biker, lullaby, classic, country genre of music which swept the nation a few years back) Let’s take the example of a very simple organism with limited sensory input. me/not-me, hunger, sex pretty simple algorithm, if it’s not me, fuck it, if I can’t fuck it eat it, if I can’t eat it or fuck it, avoid it. Pain probably means you came out on the wrong end of the eat/shit process. What do you think? 6 neurons maybe? give it 20, double that for the ANN and double that for upgrades/learning. It is the responsibility of the ANN to monitor the algorithms and send the signals to fuck, eat or avoid as appropriate.

>>Fast forward to 1 million years ago. Picture Lucy, the debonair and demure damsel of pre-human simian haute couture. Picture a chimpanzee walking across the savannas waist deep in grass, daintily scratching her crotch crickets and looking under the occasional rock to see if there are any slugs to eat. Nature calls and she squats to take a dump. A twig snaps, triggering a decision point on her primary algorithm. Oops, this could be important. This is probably not the time to use her superior mental capacities she is capable of with her programmable ANN and secondary algorithms. She needs to react, not respond. Her colon and bladder spasm, her adrenalin levels go through the roof, and she gets out of squat, looking to the sound of the snap to see if it’s lunch time, and if so, for whom. Is she to be the eater or the eatee? Stay tuned for the next episode. Hit the pause. ||

Here we have a pretty Sophisticated critter, several layers of algorithms and about 300 cc of neurons, providing a limited reasoning capacity. I guess she ate lunch because her G G G G G Great granddaughter evolved wetware, a self re-programming awareness. This gave her the ability to control much more memory. A paradigm shift in mental capacities. We’ll call her Eve.

We are not smarter because we evolved more neurons
We evolved more neurons because we are smarter

>>Fast forward to now. Gina sits in her cubicle. She has reached a decision point. Should she do Tom in the stock room or go home for a nooner? In 1/2 second she heads for the stock room. ( the decision was made last night when she had a wet dream about Tom, that’s why it only took 1/2 second. Oh no, Tom isn’t there! Another decision point. Got to think, 1/2 second fire up the cerebral cortex (hate to do that its 3oo calories per hour, and slow) access left hemisphere, 42 minutes left for lunch, Too late to go home, 3 seconds, access right hemisphere, Yup, still horny, 3 seconds. Back to the sex/ love algorithm. Gonna have to settle for tossing off in the ladies room while thinking about Tom. Hit the pause ||

Lets look at what happened here during these 7 seconds. Gina was knocked sideways off her sex/love algorithm by the fact that Tom was not in the stock room. The ANN is not multi-tasking, it cannot process input data AND access the un-Allocated Neural Network (unANN) any input data goes into short term storage until the exit sex/love algorithm is processed. After the 7 seconds the this input data is read into the ANN and processed, merging seamlessly with Gina’s memory of events, giving the illusion of continuity. IT HAS BYPASSED THE SEX/LOVE ALGORITHM.

Introducing Joe, Gina’s boss, he’s fat, his breath smells, he’s got hair growing out of his ears and he laughs when he farts. He is on Gina’s sex/love algorithm with a big NO!!!!!

<< Rewind 7 seconds Oh no, Tom isn’t there 1/2 second passes, Joe walks in and says “lets go up in my office and lock bumpers” algorithm finishes processing and Gina takes a couple steps (1/2 second actually) after Joe before her primary algorithm’s fight/flight mechanism kicks in and she runs screaming from the stock room.

WHOA!!!!! What happened here??? She actually considered doing that slob. This is some powerful shit here folks. It means there is a 3 to 6 second window of opportunity to insert a concept for the patient to reconsider instead of battering away at his defense mechanisms session after session. This isn’t some deep seated psychosis which needs analysis and in depth therapy.. Generally speaking. in a normal mind behaving abnormally, THE DEFENSE MECHANISM IS THE PROBLEM. You’re talking to it, it’s right there in front of you. It’s that simple folks. Your job is to introduce a concept which will cause the patient to reconsider his defense mechanism. All you are doing by battering away at his defense mechanism is re-enforcing it. this approach involves 4 steps, setup, sideways, insert, backout. The sideslip depends on the patient.


Black Christian lady “She called me a nigger”
“White folks have a name for people like that”
” What?”
(secret word, interest)
“We call them assholes”
(shock response)
“She is occupying rent free space in your mind”
” Look at her, you aren’t occupying rent free space in her mind”
(begin backout)
“She’s completely forgotten about you.”
“God gave you that mind, it is yours and no one else’s.”
(scolding tone)
” Do NOT allow anyone else to use it.”
(begin maintenance)
“Just like cleaning your kitchen, get your broom and sweep all those assholes in a pile and out the door, don’t forget under the refrigerator.”

That’s it, she’s fixed.

Men “yup, whites were supposed to give all blacks 40 acres and a mule after the war” (setup)
“Don’t need the mule, but I’ll take the 40 acres”
“don’t turn down the mule, you might get a pretty one”
(shock response)
same spiel but shoveling mule shit instead of assholes

Another is The French Connection” – “Ever pick your feet in Poughkeepsie FrenchConnection Thanx to Jutta Although the timing is off. but that’s just a movie

Another is my daughter who heard at a poker game “I breath through elephant ears, it makes my trunk grow long”

Another is the “regroup” meme.

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Brain Fart Visuals

I’ll use the mobile to try to explain what I’m talking about. I’ll use the triquerta to represent reality. You may call it GOD, cosmic standing wave, space-time continuum, Tao, great mysterious. Doesn’t matter, it’s all the same thing. This is the invariable (to us) in the equation Left Mind + Right Mind <=> Reality. IE reality does not depend on what we think of it or her or him or them or something for which we have no pronouns. All we can do is perceive it and react. (et al). Read <=> as perceive.

So, we be perceiving. Below is the basic mobile. White pendant represents yin, or feminine god, or mother earth, or constructionist, or bottom up whatever. The black pendant represents yang, or masculine god, or top down, or reductionist, or top down whatever. It doesn’t matter it’s all the same thing. The blue, of course represents reality, whatever you choose to call it. None of tthis matters, these are only words describing an identical concept, and the word is not the concept.The hindu world view has no BF’s that I have seen yet.

I’ll plug some values into the oriental world view. Tao represents reality, yin and yang are inside the skull.

In this mobile the yin and the yang are looking at tao. Below is the TBF the Taoist Brain Fart, in which the output of the right mind is imprinted on the left mind and is mistaken for reality. Cannot perceive reality (<X>)Now for the normal western mind, this is the way the mind is supposed to work. The ANN compares the outputs of the left mind and the right mind for inconsistencies.

Now for the ABF The Aristotelean (athiest) brain fart. In this case the output of the left mind has been imprinted on the right mind and is mistaken for reality.Now to the most divisive, the spiritual worldview. This is a normal western mind looking through the spiritual tunnel. This is a normal mind. In the left mind is religion, in the right mind is god, our perception of GOD.

Now we get down to the real nitty gritty. The RBF (religious brain fart. wherein religion is imprinted on the right mind. In practical terms, what this means is that if you have the RGF you cannot experience GOD directly, or even god, but only a facsimile of god.I’ll finish up with the Amerind world view, I am not aware of an IBF I have only a database of one. Left is Father Sky Right is Mother Earth

So, don’t you wonder what you’re praying to? Is it the god inside the skull, the GOD outside the skull or more likely religion. Hmm!

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The Cork

I am afraid, in general terms, that our standard way of thinking cannot deal with quantum physics’ findings. meaning that trying to include the latter in a broader, philosophical theory is wrong by definition. In a Kantian way: our thought’s “a priori” prevent us from really “owning” quantum reality ontologically. It is my understanding that to really deal with quantum physics’ reality one has to leave behind any other prior “thought”, or “knowledge”, or “experience” of the universe and accept new coordinates. very counterintuitive ones.

Pirsig gives a more quantum, extended view of a balance between stasis and dynamis, “That’s the whole thing: to obtain static and Dynamic Quality simultaneously. If you don’t have the static patterns of scientific knowledge to build upon you’re back with the cave man. But if you don’t have the freedom to change those patterns you’re blocked from any further growth.” Page 210, Lila, Bantam hardbound, 1991 (first edition). The object orientated thought process

Stein propounds: “Thus, what is called determinism turns out to be analyticity or identity and what is called change appears to be inexplicable in classical physics; i.e., change appears to be only the existence of time.” Page 35, The Concept of Object as the Foundation of Physics, Peter Lang Pub., 1996.

Hmm! Another way to look at the problem. Granted, he’s speaking of programming but the concept of static and dynamic holds with the two cognitive minds concept of the ANN. The minds work (unless hijacked by ideology) exactly the same no matter what problem they are evaluating. If we compare the subconscious to the bottle, we have sealed ourselves in a bottle and somehow must reach outside this bottle to pull the cork. I think the gif is a very good analogy to what happens in a nervous breakdown, spiritual emergency, PTSD or whatever term one wishes to use to describe the back pressure in the subconscious resulting in an eruption. Standard psychology practice is to stick the cork back in the bottle (the patient must be turned back into an idiot), rather than relieving the pressure. This is the brain fart, a flaw in the wetware which allows the right mind to be shut down by hyper-males with nefarious intent, while also crippling creativity.

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hypostatized – to treat or regard (a concept, idea, etc.) as a distinct substance or reality.

The insane society.  People believing  that voting democrat or republican makes a difference.  People believing that the dollar is money.  People believing that wall street promotes industry.  People believing that we are fighting for freedom.  (that’s like fucking for virginity)

Big Al was still alive when i took physics in high school, so his theories were perhaps discussed more than now. All physicists since seem to have lesser minds. he saw the problem but could not resolve it, as was the case with Newton. the problem being that the universe ain’t Euclidian. It must be understood that physics is an hipostatized belief system no different than any other dogma. it does not describe reality but only a sub-set of reality. This is fine if you’re going to build a bridge, but totally inadequate if you’re trying to determine the nature of the universe. Physicists KNOW that the universe is of a wave nature but don’t understand it. (nor do i, but at least I know i don’t understand it, they don’t) the particle description of the atom, for instance has the proton, electron (which are actually fields) with the neutron thrown in as a kludge to balance the equations. This hipostatized view has exploded into weirdness like quarks, big-uns, parallel universes whatever, all silliness. “accident upon accident” as Big Al said. when you have a model that only a lunatic can understand, it’s time for a different model. you’re into this, I’m not. I can see the problem, but I can’t see the answer.

Rabbit Hole

“There are endless people who say they have found the outs.  “It’s the economic system!” they say, “It’s the government!” they say,  “It’s the religions!” they say.  None of these things are at the root of the problem. How do I know this? Because none of these things are actually real. History has been dominated by these three systems but what do they all have in common… ?They are all faith-based belief systems.” – Information Liberation.

“Trust the quiet inner voice that tells you what to do. You hold your life in your hands, don’t entrust it to anyone else, least of all to your chosen leaders. BE YOURSELF! Any number of great men have told you that.” – Wilhelm Reich

Hypostatized The Individual The Policeman

PS Oops! Big-uns was the porn mag Al Bundy read in “married with children”, but it’s still no less valid than muons so I’ll leave it in.

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The Hybrot

Here’s another one, couldn’t find a video. The hybrot. Why can no one see the blue sky? Why can no one make this intuitive leap. That the brain basically is an amorphous self programming mass of neurons.

Why is the significance of this overlooked? This is the greatest discovery in the history of man, and it is being dismissed as a method to maybe gain some understanding of old timers disease. This is the E=MC^2 of the mind. and nobody cares. even Kevin Warick can’t see what he’s done. As Einstein asked “is everyone else crazy, or am I?”

This is the neuron. This is where everything must start. It is the beginning. It is the alpha. It is the doorway. It is the key to understanding the mind. ANY thought pattern concerning the mind that doesn’t start here is insane.

Applying reductionist (top down) thinking to the neuron yields the neurologist. Perfectly OK. The neuron is determinate. Results are accurate and predictable. The scientific method at it’s best.

Applying constructionist (bottom up) thinking to the neuron yields the ANN. Again perfectly OK. The mind is indeterminate. The results are accurate and predictable. The lateral method at it’s best.

Applying top down thinking to the mind yields insanity. When building a house you don’t start with the roof and work your way down. You will end up with a trash pile of rubbish (psychology) which collapses under it’s own weight. You must start with the foundation.

Step back and forget everything you know about psychology, in fact just forget everything you think you know. Try to get to the mental state of the infant, un-indoctrinated, centered, no blocks or taboos, no preconceptions, no knowledge. Point your peepers at this problem and you will see that “when you put neurons together they connect and start communicating”. Why? Because that’s what neurons do. That’s how they evolved. If you want to know how, you ask a neurologist and he’ll give you an accurate answer. RatBrain2 demonstrates the first 3 steps in the constructionist thought process that will lead to an accurate understanding of the mind. The ANN is accurate and predictable. It becomes obvious. I’ll give you a hint on step 4. What is the robot doing? IE it is an amorphous mass of neurons which have connected and started communicating and is doing what?

Appropriate logic applied to relevant data yields truth. Think like da Vinci.

Yes Al, everybody really is insane. Wish you were here.


The PTIB Syndrome

“A word means what I intend it to mean, no more, no less” – The Mad Hatter

Little Boxes Weeds Single Story

Epistemology of PTIB compulsion

(Putting Things in Boxes)

Yes, Yes, Yes. Melvina could see the blue sky.  In reductionist thinking everything is put in little boxes and reduced to the least common denominator.  Look for wisdom in the arts.

Description; a debilitating mental disorder that cripples logic in the areas of psychology, law, morality, ethics, manners, politics, religion and race). Victims exhibit a compulsion to put things in baskets, even if they don’t belong. This seems to give them a sense of power, a misguided belief that they understand what is happening. It is delusional in nature.

History; Originating in the paleolithic (2.6 million years ago, pre human) Being eight sigma out non-victims are statistically insignificant and will not be considered. First identified in 1946.

Pathogen; Viral taboo on pride

Symptoms; Strong defense mechanism against logic and fact. Difficulty becoming centered.

Recent developments; Two alternate views, (A) people are stupid. (you can’t fix stupid. Stupid is forever.) (B)People are lazy, putting things in baskets so they don’t have to deal with them.

Summary; people are hazy, lazy or crazy

Prognosis; Not good

Treatment; QD Fix, a 50,000 yr old technique proven useful for begoning demons, letting out black bile, exorcizing, relieving sanguine, casting out Satan or centering depending on which era one is living in. It works as well today as it ever has. Retro-psycho-therapy if you will.

Conclusion; There has not been an advance in understanding of the mind for at least 2500 years (Plato). Old concepts are re-packaged and passed off as modern. Where is the Einstein of Psychology?

The Scientific Method

The bane of creativity

“that which causes ruin or woe”

Top Down thinking, Reductionist, left brain. This is the biggest impediment to thinking of all the boxes. It puts the mind in a box, delimits it, establishes an upper limit to knowledge, crushes creativity. Perfectly OK for the neolithic savannah, or a truth that is KNOWN and not a belief. But this thinking mode evolved when speed was important so as not to become lion lunch. Check out the recent upheaval in biology when the reality of epigenitics was established. The “truth” of DNA genetic encoding has proven to be bullshit. This is a major breakthrough that occurred in spite of, not because of the scientific method.   Epigenetics – The New Biology KeyToScience

The Echo Box

One of my favorites.  People can be surrounded by idiots in a group who echo their lies.  If it continues long enough they come to believe it themselves.  They are lying to themselves and they believe it.  Seek your own truth, that tiny voice peeping in the farthest corner of the box that says “They’re all full of shit”.  Be who you’re supposed to be, not who someone else wants you to be.  Learn to be alone without being lonely.  Travel the path less travelled.  Reach outside the box.  Color outside the lines.  Reach within and find yourself.  Swim against the current.  Refuse to live in this ant’s warren of a modern society. Refuse to live a meaningless life.  Refuse to live in the box.  Push the envelope.  Be somebody, not somebody else.   Path less traveled

The Word Box

Can words delimit and bias our thoughts?  Apparantly so according to one linguist.  This can make it almost impossible to transfer a concept from one person to another in it’s entirety.  The concept is stuffed into the box and the pieces hanging out are cut off.  Thus creativity is stifled again.  Einstein’s conception of the space time continuum could not be expressed in words, so he was reduced to using mathematics.  BTW, there is a school of philosophy which postulates that having a concept for which there are no words, is, in and of itself an indication of insanity.  WOW! And they think I’m crazy.

“The effect is powerful enough, she says, that “the private mental lives of speakers of different languages may differ dramatically,” not only when they are thinking in order to speak, “but in all manner of cognitive tasks,” including basic sensory perception. “Even a small fluke of grammar”—the gender of nouns—”can have an effect on how people think about things in the world,” – Lera Boroditsky

I have a friend, Hugo, hispanic with a limited english vocabulary. He had difficulty with the concept of silly. There is no word for silly in spanish, only stupido (stupid) after considerable time he snapped to the meaning and was delighted with the concept. What he snapped to was a football player running the wrong way with a ball is stupid, a football player in a tu tu running the wrong way is silly. It’s the kind of stupid that makes you smile. The concept spread to his family and friends. Even those who could not speak English were using it. I could hear silly in discussions in Spanish. Weird.

Previously I spent time in Singapore and was struck with the fact of the perceptual difference between the natives and occidentals. When I took my shirts to the cleaners, he asked if I wanted blue dye in them. “most Europeans want blue dye in their shirts” How odd. With only a little checking I found that the “whitening agent” used in detergents is in fact blue dye. You can actually see them, little blue beads among the flakes. To an oriental an occidentals white shirt has a blue tinge. To an occidental white looks “dingy”. Isn’t that peculiar?

In another incident my amah, Ah Soo, called me to the window to see a particularly striking rainbow, “the three colors are quite distinct”. Sorry, I see five. I looked it up and found there are supposed to be seven. Sorry, still only five. I did some asking around. When a rainbow appeared (there’s a lot of rainbows in Singapore, it’s a tropical country) I would ask a nearby person how many colors he saw. A European would say “seven” then “but this ones only got five”. An Chinese would say five, without hesitation and a Malay would say three without hesitation.

Interestingly, the Malay language is primative, having no written language they have no word for book.  So the borrowed the english word as buka, since they can only count to 3 a book is buka, books are buka, buka, and a library is buka, buka, buka.  They can’t conceptualize 4 of anything.  Hence 3 colors in the rainbow.   What’s in a word?

Tunnel Vision

Yet another impediment to perception is tunnel vision.  Our culture, upbringing, education limit our view of the world.  Whereas we have difficulty with the measurement problem in quantum physics, the oriental mind has no problem visualizing an object being in several places at the same time.  Robert Anton says a mouthful.

Robert Anton explains this very well in the below video.  He speaks of tunneling and how the oriental and the occidental view life through tunnels which restrict our field of view.  Our opinions say more about how the mind works than the world.  It is worth pondering what he has to say about not only quantum physics but our view of the world.

Einstein’s thoughts on the matter were exposed when he asked a prominent quantum physicist “Do you really believe that when you’re not looking at the moon, it’s not there?” Robert Anton – Tunneling

Plantation Think

Another debilitating disorder that only affects blacks and only in America. It is of the boomerang variety, no matter where the conversation goes, it always comes back. The TMI block for this disorder is usually “you can’t understand what it’s like to be black” The military uses a broad spectrum QD Fix to adjust the attitude not only for blacks, but for a wide variety of mental aberrations. It is usually administered within the first five minutes of the recruits arriving at boot camp. Although heavy handed and crude, it appears to provide a lifetime immunity to the disorder. Approximately 30% of the victims mental capacities is devoted to maintaining the defense mechanism resulting in, among other things, lower scores on IQ tests, poor job performance, low self esteem etc. Any attempts to rectify the situation evoke a collective violent defense mechanism of “racism”. This is just another situation of black assholes exploiting the hole in the soul.  Understand that this is a racist attack, precluding communication.

Oddly enough, studies show that black children reflect mainstream attitudes. IE blacks, for the most part, hold the same attitudes as whites.

Oddly enough, this is a real mental disorder and there’s no basket for it.

The QD Fix is quite effective in treating it and establishing a defense mechanism against assholes.   Military QD Fix Nigger

The TMI Block

Used to stop dialogue, usually one of the taboos.

The Norman Block

In 1066 England was conquered by Normandy.  The ruling class was replaced with French counterparts.  This had a profound effect on language.  Beouf, for instance, means cattle in French.  But it came to mean steak in English.  Peasants eat cattle, the upper class eats beef.  Also the circumloqutious manner of speaking.  For instance, the phrase “Your child is not performing to his full potential.” (French word structure) instead of the english “Your kid could do better”  This is how the professions maintain their grip on power IE they have a secret language that the peasants  (that’s you) do not understand.  There is nothing really profound in the concepts of the professions.  It is the language use which obfuscates what they are saying.  They hide the truth with their oblique language.  Consider George Carlins “7 words you can’t say on TV”.  These words are considered to be vulgar.  But they’re not really vulgar, (they are perfectly valid English words used for thousands of years) they are low class (peasant talk).  One would be hard pressed to determine whether  a couple is “making love” or “fucking”.

Sex; Sounds simple enough

  1. Insert tab A in slot B
  2. Push
  3. Pull
  4. Repeat as necessary

It’s a lot of fun too (if memory serves me correctly). Beyond taking a few common sense precautions, such as don’t excite the children, don’t scare the horses (if you don’t care about walking home go ahead and scare the horses), have fun kids, enjoy. Why then, when one goes to a sex therapist, does one get a TMI block?

You see Dr. every time I want to have sex with my ….”

We need to get back to the issue at hand, which is your emotional relationships”

How can you talk about sex without talking about sex? Rather than address the issue directly they dance around it, using a complex, convoluted, devious, Byzantine labyrinth of illogic to avoid addressing the issue directly. Why does anyone care? Without the taboo, they wouldn’t need a sex therapist.

This is a dysfunctional vestige of our proto-human heritage where the dominant male got all the poontang and the subservient male ended up tossing off. But we don’t live in the neolithic anymore. 7 Dirty Words


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I’ll try another approach.  Keeping in mind that what we see  is not what we perceive.  What we perceive are systems, what we see is an interpretation of what we see.  IE the “real” world is not composed of objects, but systems.
Systems share common characteristics, including:
Systems have structure, defined by parts and their composition;
Systems have behavior, which involves inputs, processing and outputs of material, energy or information;
Systems have interconnectivity: the various parts of a system have functional as well as structural relationships    between each other.  IE Systems are self organizing
Yet most people assume that what they see is what they perceive.
Also keep in mind that people think backwards, IE  The see the movement of the tree leaves and assume that to be the cause of wind.  They confuse cause and effect.  (we evolved to be slaves)
Starting at the bottom, we’ll look at the fabric of the universe.  Einstein assumed it to consist of 3 dimensions plus the space/time continuum.  But time is not real, it is an interpretation of vectored movement. (direction + amplitude) In the sense that a line is the shadow of a square, a square is the shadow of a cube and a cube is the shadow of a dodecahedron.  We can’t see a line but we can perceive it.  We can see and perceive a square and a cube.  We cannot see or perceive a dodecahedron.  So the fabric of the universe consists of 3 dimensions and the ether, as described by Plato, or the 3 dimensions plus a fourth as described by Lisi.  (It’s the same thing)
Next up is the atomic level, The electron, proton and neuron are actually shadows of vibrations in the fourth dimension,  Fractals are shadows of these  vibrations and provide the structure of the universe.  (you/re probably wondering right now about what this has to do with PTSD but it’s relevant)
Next up is the neuron, which, in accordance with the laws of the universe is a self organizing system.  When it becomes organized we call it a mind.  Throughout all of this is the self organizing effect of the vibrations in the 4th dimension.  (fractals)  In view of the butterfly effect the odds approach infinity that any two minds are alike, although it could be said that most brains are similar.   That’s about as indeterminate as you can get.
Next up is society, which again, must conform to the laws of the universe (system).  The individual performs the role of the neuron in the mind.  The problem is that the individual mind is (usually) flawed and provides negative feedback resulting in a dysfunctional society which affects the individual. (mental disorders)  It is pathological to be well-adjusted in a dysfunctional society.  It is society which is the collective consciousness, and it is psychotic.
Psychosis is a loss of contact with reality, usually including false ideas about what is taking place or who one is (delusions) and seeing or hearing things that aren’t there (hallucinations) (or things that are there that they can’t see – Walt)
Interestingly, the web seems to be following these same laws of self-organization.  We may indeed be approaching the Singularity.
I hope that clears things up

DrB-15 4/26/2010I’ll try another approach.  Keeping in mind that what we see  is not what we perceive.  What we perceive are systems, what we see is an interpretation of what we see.  IE the “real” world is not composed of objects, but systems.Systems share common characteristics, including:Systems have structure, defined by parts and their composition;Systems have behavior, which involves inputs, processing and outputs of material, energy or information;Systems have interconnectivity: the various parts of a system have functional as well as structural relationships    between each other.  IE Systems are self organizingYet most people assume that what they see is what they perceive.Also keep in mind that people think backwards, IE  The see the movement of the tree leaves and assume that to be the cause of wind.  They confuse cause and effect.  (we evolved to be slaves)Starting at the bottom, we’ll look at the fabric of the universe.  Einstein assumed it to consist of 3 dimensions plus the space/time continuum.  But time is not real, it is an interpretation of vectored movement. (direction + amplitude) In the sense that a line is the shadow of a square, a square is the shadow of a cube and a cube is the shadow of a dodecahedron.  We can’t see a line but we can perceive it.  We can see and perceive a square and a cube.  We cannot see or perceive a dodecahedron.  So the fabric of the universe consists of 3 dimensions and the ether, as described by Plato, or the 3 dimensions plus a fourth as described by Lisi.  (It’s the same thing)Next up is the atomic level, The electron, proton and neuron are actually shadows of vibrations in the fourth dimension,  Fractals are shadows of these  vibrations and provide the structure of the universe.  (you/re probably wondering right now about what this has to do with PTSD but it’s relevant)Next up is the neuron, which, in accordance with the laws of the universe is a self organizing system.  When it becomes organized we call it a mind.  Throughout all of this is the self organizing effect of the vibrations in the 4th dimension.  (fractals)  In view of the butterfly effect the odds approach infinity that any two minds are alike, although it could be said that most brains are similar.   That’s about as indeterminate as you can get.Next up is society, which again, must conform to the laws of the universe (system).  The individual performs the role of the neuron in the mind.  The problem is that the individual mind is (usually) flawed and provides negative feedback resulting in a dysfunctional society which affects the individual. (mental disorders)  It is pathological to be well-adjusted in a dysfunctional society.  It is society which is the collective consciousness, and it is psychotic.Psychosis is a loss of contact with reality, usually including false ideas about what is taking place or who one is (delusions) and seeing or hearing things that aren’t there (hallucinations) (or things that are there that they can’t see – Walt)Interestingly, the web seems to be following these same laws of self-organization.  We may indeed be approaching the Singularity.I hope that clears things up

I’ll try another approach.  Keeping in mind that what we see  is not what we perceive.  What we perceive are systems, what we see is an interpretation of what we see.  IE the “real” world is not composed of objects, but systems.Systems share common characteristics, including:Systems have structure, defined by parts and their composition;Systems have behavior, which involves inputs, processing and outputs of material, energy or information;Systems have interconnectivity: the various parts of a system have functional as well as structural relationships    between each other.  IE Systems are self organizingYet most people assume that what they see is what they perceive.Also keep in mind that people think backwards, IE  The see the movement of the tree leaves and assume that to be the cause of wind.  They confuse cause and effect.  (we evolved to be slaves)Starting at the bottom, we’ll look at the fabric of the universe.  Einstein assumed it to consist of 3 dimensions plus the space/time continuum.  But time is not real, it is an interpretation of vectored movement. (direction + amplitude) In the sense that a line is the shadow of a square, a square is the shadow of a cube and a cube is the shadow of a dodecahedron.  We can’t see a line but we can perceive it.  We can see and perceive a square and a cube.  We cannot see or perceive a dodecahedron.  So the fabric of the universe consists of 3 dimensions and the ether, as described by Plato, or the 3 dimensions plus a fourth as described by Lisi.  (It’s the same thing)Next up is the atomic level, The electron, proton and neuron are actually shadows of vibrations in the fourth dimension,  Fractals are shadows of these  vibrations and provide the structure of the universe.  (you/re probably wondering right now about what this has to do with PTSD but it’s relevant)Next up is the neuron, which, in accordance with the laws of the universe is a self organizing system.  When it becomes organized we call it a mind.  Throughout all of this is the self organizing effect of the vibrations in the 4th dimension.  (fractals)  In view of the butterfly effect the odds approach infinity that any two minds are alike, although it could be said that most brains are similar.   That’s about as indeterminate as you can get.Next up is society, which again, must conform to the laws of the universe (system).  The individual performs the role of the neuron in the mind.  The problem is that the individual mind is (usually) flawed and provides negative feedback resulting in a dysfunctional society which affects the individual. (mental disorders)  It is pathological to be well-adjusted in a dysfunctional society.  It is society which is the collective consciousness, and it is psychotic.Psychosis is a loss of contact with reality, usually including false ideas about what is taking place or who one is (delusions) and seeing or hearing things that aren’t there (hallucinations) (or things that are there that they can’t see – Walt)Interestingly, the web seems to be following these same laws of self-organization.  We may indeed be approaching the Singularity.I hope that clears things up

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“We all have concepts that we believe to be true.  For instance, most of us have heard and believe as   factual that ”the shortest distance between two points is a straight line.”  Likewise, that the sum of “1 +   1 = 2 ” is a premise upon which virtually all of us would agree.  These concepts are at the core of our individual and collective belief systems, serving as building blocks    upon which we mold more complex, future beliefs.  Much like building a house, our most elemental   beliefs are deployed in the foundation of our belief system abode.  As our belief structure rises, we  utilize these more fundamental beliefs in the fabrication of the compound and complex beliefs from  which the upper floors are constructed.     It is no surprise that once one adopts a point of view, he doggedly maintains its accuracy, even when   presented with evidence to the contrary.  This is particularly true of political and religious convictions,  and the reason for the common admonishment not to argue about these subjects in polite company  It  is the unusual individual who challenges commonly-held beliefs and, in so doing, establishes the  foundation upon which to construct a new belief system.  And so, as you consider the problems and   options of today, challenge your beliefs, even those that you hold most deeply. “

For myself, I don’t believe in belief.

“We all have concepts that we believe to be true.  For instance, most of us have heard and believe as   factual that ”the shortest distance between two points is a straight line.”  Likewise, that the sum of “1 +   1 = 2 ” is a premise upon which virtually all of us would agree.  These concepts are at the core of our individual and collective belief systems, serving as building blocks    upon which we mold more complex, future beliefs.  Much like building a house, our most elemental   beliefs are deployed in the foundation of our belief system abode.  As our belief structure rises, we  utilize these more fundamental beliefs in the fabrication of the compound and complex beliefs from  which the upper floors are constructed.     It is no surprise that once one adopts a point of view, he doggedly maintains its accuracy, even when   presented with evidence to the contrary.  This is particularly true of political and religious convictions,  and the reason for the common admonishment not to argue about these subjects in polite company  It  is the unusual individual who challenges commonly-held beliefs and, in so doing, establishes the  foundation upon which to construct a new belief system.  And so, as you consider the problems and   options of today, challenge your beliefs, even those that you hold most deeply. “


Why would you want to ponder anything? Unless there are time constraints, of course. It’s a waste of your awake time. Let the ANN handle it, that’s what its for. Your awake time is better spent watching out for lions and looking under rocks for grubs to eat. Occasionally a question will arise, that’s the ANN saying it is missing some data. NOW you do the research and allow the ANN to get back to pondering. When finished you will not only know the answer, you will understand it. The mind is POWERFUL if you don’t cripple it.

If the question is from the left hemisphere it will be in verbal form, if from the right in visual form. For instance, the image surfaced of you drawing squigglies with your left hand. The right hemisphere of the ANN wanted to know if you were left handed. I asked, the image went away.

Almost everything I am saying requires constructionist thinking. Do not try to understand or organize it as you are reading, consider it data input only. The ANN will sort it out in a manner that it can understand. AND it can do it in the background.  The left hemisphere will soon get bored trying to make sense of what it considers drivel and will let the right hemisphere take over.  The mere act of inputing data with the understanding that it will come up later, gets it past the doorman.  It becomes relevant to interfacing with the world and can be collated.  Once it is communicated and the response received, it becomes “set”.

This is the beauty of bottom up thinking, it works off-line.

Notice the eyes on the image above. I bet if the pupils were shifted to (her) right she would appear sinister (scheming). See “Left hand of ANN” and consider the implications. Left handed people are under a considerable disadvantage in our society.

Trust your bullshit detector

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Survival Value

This may come as a shock, but I am beginning to think that I may have been wrong. If true, this will be a first. I had made the comment “I don’t see the survival value in dumb”. But there may have been at one time in our evolution. Think of Ardi (creationists worst nightmare, we didn’t evolve from chimps, chimps evolved from us) in the paleolithic conscious constructionist thinking (CT) would have a definite negative survival value. Ergo selection (or de-selection if you prefer) would have favored restricting constructionist thinking to the un-conscious, ie dreaming. This is no longer the case, however.


  1. CT requires the ability to hold several seemingly disparate concepts in the mind simultaneously. Not to be confused with the Orwellian “double think” in which several actually disparate and mutually exclusive concepts can be held in the mind comfortably. For instance, accepting the data presented in ratbrain-2 and and the tenets of psychology simultaneously strikes me as insane. One of them is obviously WRONG, For instance; I worked with a geophysical company that was manned by fundamentalists. They “knew” the earth was created 4,000 years ago. That was a “truth”. At the same time their job consisted of classifying rotifers to properly determine how many millions of years ago a geological structure was formed. That was also a “truth”. When queried they responded “I couldn’t understand secular humanism” (They’re right on that.) Think of CT as parallel processing. Hold that thought.
  2. Reductionist Thinking limits the answer to what is actually “the best answer to date” as determined by CT, it dictates a single answer or conclusion for rapid response. It is not THE truth, but only A truth. One of many. Think of RT as serial processing. Hold that thought.
  3. I am aware of only a handful of people who are capable of “switch hitting” IE volitionally able to go from RT to CT. Hold that thought.
  4. CT is described as an “enhanced state” of consciousness. I don’t see it that way, it’s only different from RT. Hold that thought.
  5. Many meditative techniques claim to enable one to enter this enhanced state, probably true, what they describe is what I experience. A sense of being one with the universe, (as perceived by me) a connectedness with my fellow man, a wholeness. Hold that thought.
  6. One difference between RT and CT is that with RT you may “know” the answer but with CT you “understand” the question. BIG difference. Hold that thought.
  7. As soon as my mind determines that the RT “truth” is bullshit it switches to CT (if I’m interested) else I just change the subject or inform them they are an idiot. Hold that thought.
  8. I am aware of my mind, In the sense I am aware of any part of my body. I understand this is unusual. Hold that thought.

Consider the video on Jill Taylor “A stroke of insight”. She was a neuroscientist who was forcibly dumped into CT (right hemisphere) by a stroke which disabled much of her left hemisphere. (her mind went to “plan B”). She eloquently and effusively describes her experience, one result of which was an “explosion” of creativity. Consider, she was a person who had studied the workings of the mind for 30 years AND WAS NOT EVEN AWARE THAT THAT LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS EXISTED. WOW! She “knew” the answer before, she “understands” the question now. (you’ve got to ask the right question if you expect a reasonable answer). She is now a “switch hitter”, she can step into either mode of thought. She describes the experience as “overpowering”. It’s not, she’s just never been there before. It’s just CT thinking, asking the right question.

And where was I wrong? Dumb has an inherited component.

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Thinking Backwards


Triggering epiphany

Just what is thinking backwards? Essentially it’s applying top down logic to resolve an indeterminate problem and using bottom up logic to resolve a determinate problem. Or, it’s deciding on a conclusion then determining what evidence supports it. Or trying to get meta-physical about math. Broadly, it’s confusing cause and effect. (in a logical sense, not physical) I’m going to have to do some more thinking to figure out how to put this into words but I’ll give an example.

Most people would agree that we eat sugar because it tastes good. Well, they’d be wrong. sugar tastes good because we eat it. Sugar is an excellent source of energy, so our taste evolved to give pleasure when we eat sugar. I don’t know if this is because of imprinting or a basic logic flaw in the mind. I’ll have to do some more research.

Nirvana – (my definition) right brain thinking. Bottom up. A state of heightened awareness in which the right hemisphere is unfettered. Popularly, but incorrectly, referred to as whole brain, kaballah, yoga, constructionist, transcendental meditation, non-duality etc. these being just means to achieve nirvana.

Scientific Method – (my definition) left brain thinking. Top Down. A mistaken belief that all problems can be broken down into their component parts.

Sorry folks, the world (or the mind) doesn’t always work that way)

Truth – the appropriate logic applied to relevant facts.

“what if everyone quit believing and started living?” Dr. B

“Do not allow another to occupy rent free space in your mind.” – el Loco Gringo

Damn, isn’t that simple? Both of these statements express truth. More importantly, the same truth. Both of these statements explode into a reality of an indeterminate perception of the world.

Belief – inappropriate logic applied to irrelevant beliefs, such as;

Scientific method applied to soft sciences – anxiety, bi-polar manic depressive, sociology etc.

Yoga applied to math, physics, biology, chemistry etc.

“Nirvana is in every moment of our daily lives, but we don’t know and don’t understand that. So we forget that and look for it outside of ourselves.”

“So, if we’re thinking backwards from conclusions to evidence, where do we get the conclusions from?” – Cervantes

“When looking at the earth, there are no lines there, but we think as if there are. We forget that we put the lines there.” – Robert Anton

“Yoga is the science of the east, science is the yoga of the west” – James Miller

“The right hemisphere contains all of our perceptions, the left reaches into this totality and pulls out the relevance.” – Jill Bolte Taylor

buddha meditation How Meditation works Jill Bolte Taylor Stroke of Insight Sid Here More Thinking Backwards

Inner Child

Inner Child Workshops
Whereas a normal mind has two algorithms in tandem (both), and a multiple personality has two in parallel (either/or).  A person with inner child problems has only one algorithm,  a one dimensional personality.   Regression is the only way I have been able to reach this algorithm.  When contact is established, I have to keep in mind that this algorithm has been locked into a childhood pattern and is unable to function in an adult mode.  Once emerged this algorithm is very fragile and will require long term therapy to bring the algorithm up to speed.  I cannot (and do not want to) imagine what kind of emotional trauma they suffered to cause this.  It is very painful for me to do.  Fortunately, it was an educational type class held at the Houston Medical Center and I could pass them off to the monitor.  Each session there were five (different) student observers, which would not speak or respond.  They were motioned out before the session ended. The group itself consisted of three really freaky people,  I don’t see how they could have functioned.  Maybe 35 50 yrs old. The other three were mid 20’s and seemed OK to me.   I suspect they were psychologists.  I am not emotionally strong enough to handle this kind of stuff.  I had to back out, it’s just too spooky for me.  It’s like seeing the exorcist, except it’s real..  I don’t know the long term outcome.  I wish them well.
Bear in mind, this was some 30 years ago, and is only my current take on the memory of events.  The actual experience was much less cohesive.  Nobody seemed to be suprised by events.  Last time I’m ever going to volunteer for a group.  Or adopt children for that matter.  Ellen Crestman, last I checked she was head of Harris County CPS.  Forgot about her, that’s two psychologists that aren’t idiots.  Since I wrote this I’ve done couple of other posts on the topic.

Deicide Shekinah



Diane Benscoter has an interesting take on centering. She views memes as a viral self replicating mental infection which will spread to people whose self confidence immune system has failed.

It is clear, with a better visualization of the dendrite system, that making harmonious decisions requires more than centering. The “self identity” and the “me identity” must be kept in balance to allow un-biased decisions. Ie The ambient aggregate output of the dendrite system must be kept close to zero, else our decisions can go widdershins. We won’t be able to make rational decisions.

Me identity-left hemisphere, I am individuated from the universe.

Self identity-right hemisphere, I am one with the universe.

A centered person will strive to maintain the balance. For instance, in considering joining the military, a person may consider the cons “could get killed” against the pros, college, housing and decide they balance or become positive. Or he could be a warrior by nature and joining becomes a win-win situation. Speaking to a soldier with a leg wound, he expressed concern that they wouldn’t let him go back to Iraq. I asked why he wanted to go back. He responded “I’m a warrior, that’s what I do, Iraq’s where the war is.”

The yin/yang symbol is a metaphor for the constant dance between the masculine and feminine energies within each one of us. Taiji is the balance of these forces.

(Centering is what allows this dance to take place)

Yin is the female energy, the intuitive, receptive, nurturing side of ourselves that is in connection with the Divine. Yin is the energy that yields to the forces around it, flowing, and smooth — the force that allows a seed to germinate in winter and makes water flow smoothly around a stone in the creek.

Yang is the masculine energy — the strong, action-oriented, forceful side of ourselves that gets things accomplished. Yang is the force that makes a seed sprout in the spring and makes strong flowing water move or sculpt the stones in a creek.

Avoiding Truth

On Avoiding Truth

“Physicists do it…Psychologists do it…Even political scientists do it…Research findings confirming a hypothesis are accepted more or less at face value, but when confronted with contrary evidence, we become “motivated skeptics”
The great mass of people form their political beliefs with little regard for facts or logic. However, the elites also have a strategy for avoiding truth. Elites form their political beliefs dogmatically, using their cleverness to organize facts to fit preconceived prejudices. The masses’ strategy for avoiding truth is to make a low investment in understanding; the elites’ strategy is to make a large investment in selectively choosing which facts and arguments to emphasize or ignore. Moreover, if the general public is ignorant, then elites are free to act against the interest of the general public. Converse sees this from a left-leaning perspective, leading to policies that favor the wealthy at the expense of everyone else. Somin sees it from a right-leaning perspective, leading to government power that is excessive and unchecked. He writes,
Rationally ignorant voters are unable to keep track of more than a tiny fraction of all this government activity. Indeed, they probably would be unable to do so even with considerably greater knowledge than most of them currently possess. Other things equal, the greater the size and complexity of government, the greater the likelihood that many of its activities will escape meaningful democratic control.
Those who believe in the wisdom of the political process might argue that the competition between political elites–between Democrats and Republicans or between Krugman and Limbaugh–promotes reasonable outcomes. However, I suspect that the net result of this competition is to lead to greater accretion of government power, giving the elites more to fight over. Politics ultimately becomes a competition to promise the undeliverable, whether it be better public education, inexpensive health care, or government suppression of drug abuse or sexual immorality.
I believe in democracy because I distrust the elites. I distrust the elites because I believe that self-deception is widespread, and the elites are particularly skilled at it. Accordingly, I believe that it is important for those in power to have the humility of knowing that they may be voted out of office.
Others believe in democracy because they are hoping to see the triumph of a particular elite. Many liberals want to see sympathetic technocrats manipulating the levers of government, nominally for the greater good. I see government technocrats as inevitably embedded in a political system that inefficiently processes information. The more they attempt, the more damage they are likely to do. Many conservatives want to see government used for “conservative ends.” However, I believe that the more that government tries to correct the flaws of families, the more flawed families will become.
As Taber and Lodge observe in the quotation with which this essay began, in all of our intellectual pursuits we tend to follow strategies for avoiding truth. The more knowledgable we are, the more we follow a high-investment strategy of selectively accepting evidence that favors our outlook while discounting contrary information. In science, this process ultimately is checked by the methods of experimentation, prediction, and falsification. In markets, it is checked by the process of profit and loss. In politics, the checks are less powerful. Our political beliefs are likely to be especially unreliable, regardless of which strategy we use to avoid truth.

-exerpted from TCS Daily

One Trick Pony

Top Down Thinking

What you are left with is a one trick pony.  Even if the “truth” is valid, it misses all the “mini-truths” that will be found with bottom up thinking.

To think that one can reverse engineer the mind is insane. It is reductionist thinking. Man is indeterminate, and can be mathematically proven to be. It is impossible. Each person is unique, with his own aspirations, goals, trauma, dreams, triumphs etc. The set of algorithms are indeterminate. The decision points on each algorithms is indeterminate. You are at least three levels removed from reality. Insanity cubed. You can’t start with a symptom and make up a theoretical cause. You’ve got to start with the cause and observe the symptom. You start with the neuron and work your way up until you have a model of how the mind works.

The Red Queen shook her head, “You may call it “nonsense” if you like,” she said, “but I’ve heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!”

Every one is in Wonderland trying to think impossible things

“I’m just one hundred and one, five months and a day.”

“I can’t believe that!” said Alice.

“Can’t you?” the Queen said in a pitying tone. “Try again: draw a long breath, and shut your eyes.”

Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying,” she said: “one can’t believe impossible things.”

“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

There is more insight into the workings of the mind in “Through the looking glass” than in psychology

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Thinking about thinking is slippery. It’s like trying to nail jello to the wall. We think that what we perceive is reality, whereas it is only an interpretation of reality. Even thinking is an illusion (usually) We only think we think. We have a built in interface (reptilian mind) which translates the input data into a form which is easier to interpret by the mind. Incoming photons to the rods and cones in the eye are flipped over and reversed by this interface and spread out in a color spectrum to make it easy for our minds to interpret.

Perceiving reality Biases

Vibrations in the air are converted into sound. Destruction of proprioceptors is converted into pain. Even time is in our heads. There is no evidence whatsoever that time exists in reality. Maybe time is just a series on “nows” given a sense of continuity by our internal clock. Anyone who has made even a cursory incursion into the workings of the mind knows this, BUT THEY DON’T UNDERSTAND IT. Dreams, for instance, are full color, sound, smell, pain, heat etc. indistinguishable from reality. That is why they must be flushed upon awakening so as to not get confused with real memories. What people remember upon awakening is just random snippets of the dream as it’s being flushed out of short term memory. While it is interesting to note that there is something in our heads that knows how to walk, while we don’t, it is sobering to know that there is something in our heads that UNDERSTANDS chaos fluid dynamics in 11 (13) dimensions, AND CAN MANIPULATE IT.

The mind is elegant in it’s simplicity

incomprehensible in it’s scale

And glorious in it’s implementation

Secret-1 Secret-2

It must also be kept in mind that this “something in our heads” is not sentient. It is re-programmable wetware only and not cognizant per se. The ANN can.

The following is an example of not only this process, but the difference in left and right brain thinking;

Qualia” (pronounced /ˈkwɑːliə/), singular “quale” (pronounced /ˈkwɑːleɪ/, roughly KWAH-leh), from the Latin for “what sort” or “what kind,” is a term used in philosophy to describe the subjective quality of conscious experience. Examples of qualia are the pain of a headache, the taste of wine, or the redness of an evening sky. Daniel Dennett writes that qualia is “an unfamiliar term for something that could not be more familiar to each of us: the ways things seem to us.”[1]

The importance of qualia in philosophy of mind comes largely from the fact that they are often seen as posing a fundamental problem for materialist explanations of the mind-body problem. Much of the debate over their existence hinges on the definition of the term that is used, as various philosophers emphasize or deny the existence of certain properties.

And an example of right brain thinking

<—-Left mind   Right mind—->

“This means that colours only really exist within the brain – light is indeed travelling from objects to our eyes, and each object may well be transmitting/reflecting a different set of wavelengths of light; but what essentially defines a ‘colour’ as opposed to a ‘wavelength’ is created within the brain. ” – Nagi

Qualia Spectrum

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The key to ANN

Definition; A taboo is a strong social prohibition or ban against words, objects, actions, or discussions considered undesirable or offensive activity such as restrictions on discussion of controversial topics (law, morality, ethics, manners, politics, religion, race).


There are varying explanations for the origin of taboos. While some explanations are anthropological and explain taboos using history and cultural experiences, other explanations are psychoanalytical and explain taboos as an unconscious phenomenon passing through generations.


Pride is the name of the beast. Another word for pride is self worth. A person who has self worth is centered. He is guilty of the sin of pride. He has broken the ultimate taboo. The origin of this taboo is in the neolithic period, where society consisted of a dominant Alpha male and subservient slaves. In a society like this, one tended to keep one’s opinions to oneself. We no longer live in the neolithic. We live in a complicated, turbulent society. This taboo, which is nothing more than self mutilation, has outlived it’s usefulness. Unlock your mind so that you can see the beauty of the world and the glory of man. And know that you are a part of it.

The human mind is elegant in it’s simplicity,incomprehensible in it’s scale and glorious in it’s implementation” – el Loco Gringo

In our hubris we think that we can understand the human mind by comparing it to that of a chimp, but we are as far evolved above the chimp as the chimp is above the earthworm. An evolutionary miracle has occurred, the greatest leap since the first few neurons gathered into a clump to form the proto-brain. However, as the chimp evolved from the earthworm, we evolved from our simian ancestors with the same behavior patterns. The taboo against pride has been retained in our psyche. This has left a hole in our soul, an aching painful overwhelming need, that we seek to fill with religion, ideology, spirituality, greed, career and other false gods. I wish to give mankind a gift, a key to unlock themselves from the chains of this vestige of the past and to marvel at the wonder that man is.

That god we seek is within us

This simple and beautiful truth unfolds to reveal man’s place in the universe. All is laid bare. Ethics, philosophy, sociology, psychology, spirituality, politics, economy, justice become revealed with all their virtues and faults.

“You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars, you have a right to be here”

ChildOfTheUniverse Pride The Rose

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The educational Imprint

The lattice is a framework of “blocks” imposed by the educational system to reject lines of thought that do not conform to reductionist thinking. An implant on the right hemisphere. This applies to the hard sciences (math, chemistry, astronomy), the soft pseudo-sciences (psychology, philosophy, sociology) but not the arts. This has the tragic effect of completely destroying creativity in the soft sciences and crippling it in the hard sciences. This is analogous to the right hemisphere peeking at the world through a lattice fence, where only approved logic is allowed. This is a philosophical issue within the educational system, on the one hand the stupid reductionist idiots who feel that constructivist thinking has no place in the educational system and the equally stupid constructivist idiots, who feel that reductionist thinking has no place in the educational system. Belief is presented as fact. The one foray into the educational system by the constructivists was “new math”, set theory. It was an abysmal failure, of course, The answer is not A or B the answer is A + B. Professional teachers are the foot soldiers in this petty squabble among idiots, themselves brainwashed into thinking they are educating students, when in fact they are de-educating them. “Constructivism is a psychological theory of knowledge which argues that humans generate knowledge and meaning from their experiences. Constructivism is not a specific pedagogy, although it is often confused with constructionism, an educational theory developed by Seymour Papert. Paiget’s theory of constructivist learning has had wide ranging impact on learning theories and teaching methods in education and is an underlying theme of many education reform movements. Research support for constructivist teaching techniques has been mixed, with some research supporting these techniques and other research contradicting those results.” – Wikipedia

Pragmatism Schools The Wall TopDown/BottomUp

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The Fireplug Phenomenon

How many fireplugs did you notice on the way to work today? Probably none. Yet standard codes dictate at least 1 fire hydrant every 600 feet. (300′ each engine) Now if you were a fireman, you would be able to recount every one. This happens because the algorithm is programmed to discard irrelevant or redundant data. The algorithm is primarily a data discarding mechanism. For instance, you walk into your office and sit down. You look around, Yup, my office. You seen one, you’ve seen them all. All subsequent information is discarded. As you look around a second time all input data is discarded and the mind reconstructs the image as per previous input data. Now el Loco Gringo walks in wearing a yellow cowboy hat. You will notice because it is in contrast to your stored information on el Loco Gringo. This new information is stored. The phone rings, you turn to answer it. el Loco Gringo swaps the yellow cowboy hat for a red one. You turn back. You won’t notice the change. Your mind will make the best sense of an ambiguous situation and assume the cowboy hat has always been red. Your recollection of the event will be that el Loco Gringo walked in with a red hat. Ain’t that weird? Now if you turned around and el Loco Gringo were holding a gun, you’d notice that. A different decision point on a different algorithm has been triggered. The previous data was passed through as irrelevant to the danger algorithm, the new data triggered it. You didn’t notice the fireplugs because you don’t have a fireman’s algorithm. A spider or a snake would trigger an even more primal algorithm. The spider or snake would be on the primary defense mechanism and trigger a reflex (fractions of a second). It is a genetically encoded algorithm. The secondary defense mechanism is where the gun would be placed. It is a learned danger. it will trigger a reaction (<1/2 second)Any data that does not trigger one of these first two algorithms is passed through as irrelevant. The point of this rambling incoherent dissertation, is that the people you are talking to the PTSD is fixable. If the epigenetic parameter is triggered it is genetically encoded to the primary defense mechanism. It ain’t fixable. This is some bad shit.

Purdah – (”curtain”) is the practice of preventing women from being seen by men – Wikipedia

Purdah is an example of the fireplug phenomenon. In the middle east I witnessed this profound effect. Women become like fireplugs, you just kind of walk around them without them actually impacting your consciousness. They become things, not even human. In Karachi, I was invited to dinner. We went to the manager’s house, I got in the front seat with the driver and the manager got in the back. We went to the resturant and ordered drinks (3?). I was startled when a woman in an evening dress came over and sat down. She was introduced as his wife. I didn’t even perceive her getting in the car. This is some bad shit folks. Many of us think of this as exotic, even glamorous. Life in the casbah actually sucks. The first three videos show the misconception, Purdah shows the reality.

Do we really have to tolerate intolerance?

CasaBlanca BDSS Bellyqueen Purdah Whipping van Goth Beneath The Veil Matrophobia Pissed

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The Circle Jerk

OK children, recess is over. The omniscient maharishi emeritus el Loco Gringo is gonna butt in and straighten you out then he’s gonna butt out and watch you go squishy again.

Because the universe is infinite and we aren’t we have to view it through tunnels. The data coming in through our senses is perceived and interpreted as a flock of geese. This data is evaluated through intrinsic/extrinsic processing (call it yin/yang, top down/bottom up, constructionist/reductionist, integration/differentiation if you will, doesn’t matter, the word is not the concept.) This is all inside the skull. Outside the skull is the wind which the yangers will vociferously proclaim has the property of blowing, with grandiose theories and math to “prove” that the wind, does in fact blow. The yinners will vehemently protest that the wind actually sucks and have elaborate theories and math to “prove” that the wind does in fact suck. The wind, for it’s part, doesn’t give a shit what words we use to describe it’s activities, it just keeps on doing what what we describe as blowing (or sucking if you prefer)

It’s all mental masturbation

you guys are having a circle jerk.

Good video by Vilayanur Ramachandran.

Here’s an interesting image

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The Legal Mind


“To a lawyer, truth is a variable” -el Loco Gringo

” If the facts are against you, argue law, if the law’s against you argue facts, If the law and the facts are against you, argue” – Lawyers adage

This is the infamous “Little Rascals” case of ritual sexual abuse.  Mary Lamb (prosecuting attorney) was ordered by Mike Easley (attorney general) to get a conviction whatever it took.  She took it to heart and was doing the judge in the case.  The defendants spent 6 years in jail without charges.  They were later acquitted.

Continue reading