

 Van Vogt

The Nexialist


The problems which Nexialism confronts are whole problems. Man has divided life and matter into separate compartments of knowledge and being. And, even though he sometimes uses words which indicate his awareness of that wholeness of nature, he con­tinues to behave as if the one, changing universe has many separately functioning parts. The techniques we will discuss tonight….” 

He paused. He had been looking out over his audience, and his gaze had suddenly fastened on a familiar figure well to the rear of the room. After a moment’s hesitation, Grosvenor went on.

“….will show how this disparity between reality and man’s be­havior can be overcome.”

He went on to describe the techniques, and in the back of the room Gregory Kent took his first notes on the science of Nexialism.

And, carrying its little bit of human civilization, the expeditionary ship Space Beagle sped at an ever increasing velocity through a night that had no end.

And no beginning.

The Flight of the Beagle

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  • By Dog Bark « el Loco Gringo on October 27, 2010 at 3:34 pm

    […] “snapped” into place. That’s actually where I got the word SNAP, a person with SNAP (a Nexialist) can correlate many seemingly unrelated patterns to discern an overall rule. (shortcut) Then this […]

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