17-I Ching

I Ching

Retro Right Brain Enhancement

This is another method for expanding your mind.

DrB 04/24/10

I Ching

The book of changes

Such a deal. None of this years of study in a Tibetian Monistary. Just give the feng Shui coins a fling and ponder how the reading applies to your situation. It is a right mind enhancing technique. In simplified terms I Ching could be viewed as casting dice to determine passages in the bible to be pondered and applied to life. (without the religious overtones).

The text of the Book of Changes is a set of oracular statements represented by 64 sets of six lines each called hexagrams (guà). Each hexagram is a figure composed of six stacked horizontal lines (yáo), each line is either Yang (anunbroken, or solid line), orYin (broken, an open line with a gap in the center). With six such lines stacked from bottom to top there are 26 or 64 possible combinations, and thus 64 hexagrams represented.

The hexagram diagram is composed of two three-line arrangements calledtrigrams (guà). There are
23, hence 8, possible trigrams. The traditional view was that the hexagrams were a later development and resulted from combining the two trigrams. However, in the earliest relevant archaeological evidence, groups of numerical symbols on many Western Zhou bronzes and a very few Shang oracle bones, such groups already usually appear in sets of six. A few have been found in sets of three numbers, but these are somewhat later. Note also that these numerical sets greatly predate the groups of broken and unbroken lines, leading modern scholars to doubt the mythical early attributions of the hexagram system.

Each hexagram represents a description of a state or process. When a hexagram is cast using one of the traditional processes of divination with I Ching, each of the yin or yang lines will be indicated as either moving (that is, changing), or fixed(that is, unchanging). Moving (also sometimes called “old”, or “unstable”) lines will change to their opposites, that is “young” lines of the other type—old yang becoming young yin, and old yin becoming young yang.

yin andyang) is used to describe how polar or seemingly contrary forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other in turn. The concept lies at the heart of many branches of classical Chinese science and philosophy, as well as being a primary guideline of traditional Chinese medicine,[1] and a central principle of different forms of Chinese martial arts and exercise, such as baguazhang, taijiquan, and qigong and of I Chingdivination. Many natural dualities — e.g. dark and light, female and male, low and high, cold and hot — are viewed in Chinese thought as manifestations of yin and yang (respectively).

A little clarification is in order. In the west yin and yang are viewed as the female and male relationship. But remember we are top down thinkers. In the east the causal agent is the yin and the male and female is the manifestation of the yin and yang. IE a sub-set.  In the East Yoga is used to gain direction.  The scientific method eludes them.  They consider it “thinking backwards” IE starting with the answer and seeking the question.  I agree.

Here is an excellent downloadable I Ching Program.


Download a nice copy here> Yellow  Emperor

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